Mi Carpeta Ciudadana - More Information
Mi Carpeta Ciudadana keeps a proactive communication channel open with citizenship. We look forward to receiving your suggestions for improvingthe portal and apps. .In addition, we will keep up to date the roadmap for incorporating new features for the short and medium term.
If you have any incidence or additional questions you can use the contact form. .
Below is a list of tabs with topics that may be of interest to you. To navigate through this component you must use the keyboard. To access the content of a specific tab, you must first press "Enter". Next, together, you must press the "Control" and "Space" keys. And later, after accessing the last tab of the list, you can access the selected content.
- More Information
Frequently asked questions
- What do I need to get started?
- What personal data is stored?
- I do not see information about a service / record
- I see my data, but it contains some error.
- I have an appointment coming soon but it is not on my agenda, why is it?
- How can I appear or consult the notifications sent to me by the Administration in My Citizens' Folder?
- Legal Notice
- Privacy policy
- Web Accessibility
- App accessibility
- Legal condition
What is Mi Carpeta Ciudadana?
Mi Carpeta Ciudadana is an initiative of the Public Administrations that aims to simplify the relationship of the citizen with the Administration via the Internet, so that all the personal information available to the Administrations can be accessed at a single point, as well as the different procedures and formalities, and from here it can be addressed to the unit responsible for its management.
"Mi Carpeta Ciudadana" allows citizens to receive notifications and consult their personal data, documentation, appointments, notifications and open files managed by the different public administrations in a single point, which will allow them to be updated on their procedures and keep their administrative information up to date without having to travel, all from their mobile device.
It consists of a web portal and a mobile app, both for iOS and Android system, as well as a virtual assistant (Ada), currently available only on the web, to help throughout the process, by searching for services and typification of incidents, which is in constant learning for the continuous improvement and evolution of the service.
Mi Carpeta Ciudadana is the first big mobile app that is released within the Public Administrations Digitization Plan 2021 – 2025.
How will Mi Carpeta Ciudadana evolve?
Mi Carpeta Ciudadana is a living project, which will incorporate new services and especially new government agencies that will provide information through those services. You can check your specific roadmap for the coming months, based on your comments and suggestions.
How can i participate in the development of Mi Carpeta Ciudadana?
We are interested in proposing features that you miss in My Citizen Folder, and that can bring you closer to your Administration.
Anyone, association or institution interested in improving My Citizen Folder can send us your comments.
Both the web and mobile app will invite you on different occasions to submit your comments.
- In the APP this form will always be available in the “Settings” tab. You can also access this specific form for APPs directly. .
- In the case of the web application, you have thisspecific contact form for the web. .
We are also particularly interested in your comments regarding access and discharge mechanisms. As your experience may be different on the web and APPs we will ask you about it on each form.
My data
My data shows a summary of existing personal information about you in public administrations grouped by subject.
The information currently available is:
- Education and training
- Non-college degrees. It shows the non-university degrees registered in the Register of Non-University Degrees of the Ministry of Education. More information.
- University degrees. It shows the university degrees registered in the Register of University Degrees of the Ministry of Universities.
- Scholarship condition. You can consult the calls for scholarships, grants and prizes in which you are listed as a fellow per year of the call.
- University status. The data of the university enrolments contained in the Conference of Rectors of the Spanish Universities (CRUE).
- Healthcare training. The data of specialized healthcare training programs belonging to the Ministry of Health can be consulted.
- Certificate as a trainer and student at INAP. Records and certificates of trainers and students can be consulted at INAP.
- Citizenship
- Identify data and documents. The identification data contained in the Directorate-General of the Police are displayed.
- Elections. You can check the registration in the electoral roll.
- Labor and benefits
- Working life. Access to view the work life report.
- Demand for employment and unemployment benefits. Indicates whether you are enrolled as a jobseeker on the date of the consultation and allows you to check if you are enrolled as a jobseeker on another date. It also displays unemployment benefit data if available.
- Certificates of unemployment benefits. Access to obtain certificates.
- Social benefits. Consultation of public benefits of the Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (INSS). More information.
- Registro Central de Personal (Public employees of the AGE and certain university personnel). Consultation of registration documentation and dossier reports.
- MUFACE affiliate data query. Refer to the information of the affiliation to the General Mutuality of Civil Officers of the STATE (MUFACE).
- Opponent data: certificate of notes and certificate of attendance. Consultation of files and certificates of opponent.
- Health and social affairs
- Degree and level of dependency. The current data, referring to you, recorded in the SAAD (Personal Autonomy Information System and Dependency Aid) are displayed.
- See disability. Disability data can be found in your autonomous community.
- Digital Clinical History of the National Health Service (HCDSNS). Access to the Digital Clinical History of the National Health System (HCDSNS) of autonomous communities.
- Sanitary Training. Compilation of the health training you have earned.
- Real estate
- Urban real estate. It shows the urban real estate registered in the Directorate General of the Catastro.
- Rustic real estate. Shows rustic real estate registered with the Directorate General of the Catastro.
- Address (standard data). It shows the registration data in the National Statistical Institute (INE) database according to the municipal standard of your municipality.
- Communicate change of address. Access to communicate a change of address.
- Historical of municipalities. Displays data from the employer registration of the National Institute of Statistics (INE) according to the historical population register.
- Personal situation and family
- Absence of criminal record. Check your criminal record and, if it does not appear, allow you to download the proof to prove it.
- Absence of a history of crimes of a sexual nature. It consults the absence of a history of crimes of a sexual nature and, if it does not appear, allows you to download a supporting document proving it.
- Large family certificate. Large family data can be found in your autonomous community.
- Gambling data search. Check your status in the Registro General de Interdicciones de Acceso al Juego of the Dirección General de Ordenación del Juego.
- Literal birth certificate. Check your birth certificate if you were born in Spain.
- High- level athletes. It is possible to check whether an athlete has the high-level status and the federations to which they belong during the specified dates.
- Legal residence. Check if you have legal residence in the national territory.
- Tax obligations. Check if you are up to date with your tax obligations for the current year.
- Vehicles and transportation
- Driver data and point balance. Your points balance and driver data recorded at the Directorate-General for Traffic (DGT) are displayed.
- Vehicle data. The data for your vehicle is displayed.
My calendar
In My calendar you will be allowed to consult your events: alerts (due dates, renewals, etc.) and prior appointments.
At the present time, in this section you can find those related to: Information and registration offices of many ministries; the Police Directorate-General (National Identity Document, Passport, Alien Identification Number); Immigration; Government Delegations and Sub-Delegations (work and immigration, declarations, free legal assistance, etc.), Civil Registers; Administration of Justice; Ministries of Education, Agriculture, Science and Innovation, Work (Offices Abroad); IMSERSO; MUFACE; State Pensioners; Civil Guard – Weapons Control.
When accessing to My complet calendar, a calendar is shown where you will be able to find all your relevant dates, as well as a list in which you can consult more information on each event.
As well as other events of general interest.
Before accessing it you can see your next events. This information and My calendar information are automatically updated every few days. However, you can manually refresh it a limited number of times a day.
If performing that manual refresh fails to update the information, you will see the last query that was made. For this reason, you may see a warning icon indicating events that have not been updated correctly.
My files
My Files shows a summary of the number of files you have open or processed at the time of consultation, grouped by ministry or body attached to the system.
By clicking on a ministry or agency you can:
- Check the details of your open files and provide direct access to the details of that particular file at the electronic headquarters of the body responsible for its processing.
- Check the details of your completed files or all files regardless of whether they are open or completed.
- Restrict inquiries by date period or sort by participation in them as a data subject or representative.
Ministries and agencies of the General Administration of the State
- Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food
- Central Services
- Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FEGA)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union, and Cooperation
- Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)
- Central Services – Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
- Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities
- Science, Innovation
- Universities
- Ministry of Culture
- Cultural
- Voucher for Young People
- Ministry of Defense
- Ministry of Social Rights, Consumer Affairs, and the 2030 Agenda
- Secretary of State for Social Rights
- Secretary of State for Consumer Affairs
- Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Companies
- National Institute of Statistics (INE)
- Directorate General of Insurance and Pension Funds
- Secretary of State for Trade
- Application for Registration of Directorate General of Insurance and Pension Funds
- Ministry of Education, Vocational Training, and Sports
- Higher Council for Sports
- Central Services - Education
- Ministry of Finance
- Tax Agency
- Directorate General of the Land Registry
- Ministry of Equality
- Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security, and Migration
- Directorate General of Social Security Management
- Inclusion, Social Security, and Migration
- Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Tourism
- Secretary of State for Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises
- Secretary of State for Tourism
- Central Services - Industry and Tourism
- Undersecretary of Industry and Tourism
- Ministry of the Interior
- Directorate General of the Civil Guard
- Directorate General of Traffic (DGT)
- Central Services - Interior
- Ministry of the Presidency, Justice, and Relations with the Courts
- Secretary of State for Justice
- General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Government
- General Judicial Mutuality (MUGEJU)
- Ministry of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory
- Delegations – Transport Aid in the Balearic Islands
- Delegations – Transport Aid in the Canary Islands
- Delegations – Immigration
- Delegations – Sanctions
- Ministry of Labor and Social Economy
- Central Services - Employment and Social Security
- Wage Guarantee Fund (FOGOSA)
- State Public Employment Service (SEPE)
- Ministry of Transport and Mobility
- State-owned Company Spanish Airports and Air Navigation (ENAIRE)
- General Secretariat for Infrastructure
- Ministry of Digital Transformation and Civil Service
- General Mutuality for Civil Servants (MUFACE)
- Other Sectorial Procedures
- Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge
- Energy
- Central Services - Environment
- Other Institutions
- Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD)
- Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD)
Autonomous Communities
- Generalitat de Catalunya
- Generalitat Valenciana, with the records:
- Complaints and suggestions
- Presentations in the Electronic Registry
- Government of Canarias
- Government of Cantabria, with the recods:
- Administrative licenses
- Junta de Andalucía, with the records:
- Presentations in the Electronic Registry
- Junta de Castilla-La Mancha, with electronic processing procedures
- La Rioja Government, with the electronic processing procedures
- Islas Baleares Government:
- Information acbout academic records
- Región de Murcia, with the electronic processing procedures
- Junta de Extremadura, with the electronic processing procedures
- Community of Madrid, with the electronic processing procedures
My files
My Files shows a summary of the number of files you have open or processed at the time of consultation, grouped by ministry or body attached to the system.
By clicking on a ministry or agency you can:
- Check the details of your open files and provide direct access to the details of that particular file at the electronic headquarters of the body responsible for its processing.
- Check the details of your completed files or all files regardless of whether they are open or completed.
- Restrict inquiries by date period or sort by participation in them as a data subject or representative.
My files
My Files shows a summary of the number of files you have open or processed at the time of consultation, grouped by ministry or body attached to the system.
By clicking on a ministry or agency you can:
- Check the details of your open files and provide direct access to the details of that particular file at the electronic headquarters of the body responsible for its processing.
- Check the details of your completed files or all files regardless of whether they are open or completed.
- Restrict inquiries by date period or sort by participation in them as a data subject or representative.
Legal Notice
The internet domain carpetaciudadana.gob.es and all subdomains included under it, are owned by the Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública - Calle Mármol 2, 3ª planta - Madrid.
The contents, organization and selection of the links of the carpetaciudadana.gob.es pages have been decided and coordinated by the Subdirección General de Impulso de la Digitalización de la Administración de la Secretaría General de Administración Digital (Secretaria de Estado de Digitalización e Inteligencia Artificial).
The total or partial reproduction of the contents of this website is prohibited without citing its origin or requesting authorization.
The Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública reserves the right to make changes to the website, in order to update, correct, modify, add or remove the contents of the website or its design.
Alert settings
In Alert settings you can select your information of interest. This information will be modifiable whenever you want and will serve to offer you personalized information of Mi Carpeta Ciudadana based on your interests.
If you wish to receive email notifications to remember the expiration of documents, arranged appointments, etc., you must inform the email in advance as well as mark the information you wish to receive these notices about.
My personal summary
In Personal summary you will see a summary of the information that the Administrations have about your personal summary.
Before accessing, it will be necessary to accept that this contents can be viewed. Upon acceptance, you can exercise your right to deleting personal data by unchecking that same check.
Among the data that may appear we will find:
- Identity
- Residence
- Real estate
- Vehicles
- Education
My notifications
In the My Notifications section of Mi Carpeta Ciudadana clicking on “Notifications and Communications” you will be able to enter directly and already identified the Dirección Electrónica Habilitada Única (DEHú), where you will be able to consult and appear electronically the pending notifications, consult the notifications made and access the administrative communications in which figures as holder or recipient issued by the bodies assigned to the electronic notifications service of the Electronic Address.
DEHú is working in collaboration with public administrations to facilitate more notifications of more administrations every day. You can review the issuing agencies already attached to the DEHu at: Go to the search engine of Issuing Agencies .
At the DEHú you will also be able to inform or modify your contact details to receive email alerts that will come to you when new notifications or communications become available.
In the DEHú FAQ section , you will be able to expand this information and learn about other services offered by the DEHú.
You can also access the Uniteds section of the Unique Edictal Board (TEU) that shows a list of notification announcements posted in the BOE / Notification Supplement that incorporate your identifier (NIF or NIE).
For each of the ads in the relationship is shown:
- Date and number of BOE on which they are published
- Anouncement title
- Department that publishes it
- Access to the ad on the BOE page
There are more ads in the TEU that do not have the identifier (NIF or NIE) built-in, so they cannot appear in Mi Carpeta Ciudadana.
These advertisements published in the BOE, as of June 1, 2015, correspond to notification announcements made by any Public Administration when the interested in a procedure are unknown, the place or means of notification is ignored, or, attempted, it could not have been practiced.
In the citizen and companies Help section of the TEU you can find more information and know the services offered by TEU.
You may also be interested:
My writings and requests
My writings and requests allow you to consult the writings or applications (registration seats) filed in an office of an agency or public administration for another administration or body provided that they are digitized and submitted electronically. For example, the writings or requests filed in your City Council for the General Administration of the State.
For each registration seat, identified by the registration number and date, it lets you know if you have reached the destination agency or administration or is pending delivery. And, in the latter case, going into the detail, you can consult the office where you are and the date of the last update.
By default, the last 30 days are queried. Although accessing the search options it is allowed to search for another period or search by registration number.
Consultation of documents by CVS
The Secure Verification Code (CSV) is:
- A unique code that identifies an electronic document.
- It guarantees the integrity of the document by collating at the electronic headquarters of the General Access Point or in the Folder itself.
This code is usually printed in the footer of electronic documents.
In CSV Document Inquiry, you can check the electronic documents of the following agencies/applications:
In Ministries and Agencies of the General Administration of the State
- Ministry of Culture, those generated by
- Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts Institute
- Ministry of Education, Vocational Training, and Sports, those generated by
- Subdirectorate General for Information and Communication Technologies (SGTIC)
- Education electronic office
- Ministry of Finance, those generated by:
- Tax Agency (AEAT)
- Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations
- Ministry of Industry and Tourism
- Ministry of the Interior, those generated by:
- Undersecretariat of the Interior
- Ministry of Labor and Social Economy
- Ministry of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory, those generated by:
- Secretary of State for Public Function: Immigration, ORVE and Portal Funciona
- Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda
- Ministry of Transformation and Public Service, those generated by:
- General Directorate of Innovation and Competitiveness
- General Directorate of Scientific and Technical Research
- Secretaria General de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación
- Mi Carpeta Ciudadana
- Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge
In Autonomous Communities
- Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias
- Diputación Provincial de Jaén
- Generalitat Valenciana
- Gobierno de Cantabria
- Gobierno de La Rioja
- Gobierno de las Islas Baleares
- Junta de Andalucía
- Junta de Castilla y León
- Gobierno de Cantabria los generados por
- Consejería de Presidencia y Justicia
- Generalitat de Catalunya, those generated by Consorci Administració Oberta de Catalunya
In Local Entities
- Alcolea Town Hall
- Berritzegunea Town Hall
Privacy Policy of the service "Mi Carpeta Ciudadana"
Please, as a user of the "Mi Carpeta Ciudadana" service (hereinafter referred to as "MI CARPETA CIUDADANA"), read this privacy policy carefully. In it, you will find all the information about the data that is collected about you, how it is used, and what control you have over it.
1. Who is responsible for processing your user data in the MI CARPETA CIUDADANA?
The Data Controller for your information as a user of MI CARPETA CIUDADANA is:
- Name: General Secretariat for Digital Administration (hereinafter, the SGAD).
- Data Protection Officer: dpd@digital.gob.es
- DPD Address: Calle Poeta Joan Maragall, 41, 12th floor, 28046 Madrid
The entity responsible for the "Mi Carpeta Ciudadana" service is the General Secretariat for Digital Administration, a governing body under the Secretariat of State for Public Function of the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Function.
2. What data do we deal with about you?
The information we process about you as the Data Controller comes from the personal data that you can provide us through external services or from personal data that comes from other Data Controllers.
The data related to you that is processed in “Mi Carpeta Ciudadana” belongs to the following categories:
- Identifying or contact data: name, surname, ID number, postal address, or email, among others.
- Data identifying your device.
- Data related to your citizenship and residence: which autonomous community, province, or municipality you belong to, municipal registry data, etc.
- Data related to upcoming events and appointments you have scheduled with the Public Organizations integrated into “Mi Carpeta Ciudadana.”
- Data related to the educational sphere: degrees obtained, scholarships and study aids, etc.
- Health data and data in the field of social services: disability certificates, degree, dependency status, benefits, aids, etc.
- Professional and retirement data: employment status, job demand, work history, benefits, retirement applications, etc.
- Housing and urban planning data: rural or urban real estate, cadastral registration, etc.
- Vehicle and transportation data: vehicles owned by you, driving license, points on your license, etc.
- Data on notifications issued for which you are the interested party: data from the Unique Edict Board of the BOE (TEU), such as those relating to the issuing body/department of the notification and the publication date.
- Data from a public registry: number, origin/destination office, registration date, interested party data, status, etc.
Additionally, to facilitate access to the mobile app, the user can optionally enable biometric authentication mechanisms provided by various mobile platforms (iOS, Android, etc.) that manage and store your biometric identification data on your mobile device, such as facial recognition or fingerprint.
The rest of the information, such as any information that may be necessary to obtain your data for the generation of any justification, comes from external sources and will be appropriately processed by each of the Data Controllers. The SGAD is responsible for processing such personal data.
3. How does MI CARPETA CIUDADANA get your data and where does it come from?
Personal data is obtained from other Public Administrations for which the SGAD is the Data Processor.
4. What is the legal basis for processing your data?
The processing of personal data that may be carried out through the “Mi Carpeta Ciudadana” service is based on the following legal grounds:
- The interested party has given their consent in accordance with Article 6.1.a) of the GDPR. They have the right to withdraw their consent at any time; however, this withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal. The interested party gives their consent related to the following data: privacy preference settings, notification settings, and personal summary.
- Compliance with a mission carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers conferred to the Data Controller in accordance with Article 6.1.e) of the GDPR.
Additionally, we inform you that the applicable regulations for the services offered are as follows.
- Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights.
- Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
- Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector.
- Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of April 27, 2016, on the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation).
- Royal Decree 203/2021, of March 30, which approves the Regulation on the operation and functioning of the public sector by electronic means.
- Royal Decree 311/2022, of May 3, which regulates the National Security Scheme.
5. What for and why do we use your data?
The information and data collected in Mi Carpeta Ciudadana will be processed solely with the aim of providing you with the corresponding service. To this end, we use your data to offer you the following services:
- Receive notifications (provided you give your prior consent) in your email or PUSH notifications (if you use the mobile APP) when you have a prior appointment with any Public Administration or any event that may be of interest to you.
- Ability to customize the presentation of "Mi Carpeta Ciudadana" according to your preferences.
- Directly present your data without needing to look it up each time you access "Mi Carpeta Ciudadana".
The objective of processing in “Mi Carpeta Ciudadana” is to facilitate your relationship with Public Administrations by providing you with personalized information about your relationship with them and their linked or dependent public organizations and entities in a single access point. Furthermore, if you choose to use the conversational assistant, we will process your data to help you quickly search for the information, notifications, certificates, or other data you request that are available through the “Mi Carpeta Ciudadana” service.
6. For how long do we store your data?
The retention period will depend on the type of data:
- Regarding the information related to the "Personal summary" section of the website, it will be automatically deleted if you do not access "Mi Carpeta Ciudadana" for a period of 3 months. However, you can withdraw your consent at any time, and this information will not be stored. Through the APP, a query will be made each time you access "Mi Carpeta Ciudadana"; however, this information will not be displayed from the website.
- The data processed in "Upcoming events" will be stored for a maximum period of two years from your last access to the service.
- Regarding the data related to the other sections ("My topics," "My files," "My notifications," and "My submitted writings and requests"), these are not stored; they are only presented from the moment you make the query or request for them (by clicking on that section).
- The data processed through the use of the conversational assistant is automatically deleted when your session ends or when at least 30 minutes of inactivity in the chat has elapsed.
- Regarding the information related to the settings for notifications, recent items, favorites, and the personal photo, the provided data will be stored for a maximum period of two years from your last access to the service.
7. Who has access to your data?
You are the only one who has access to your data. Notwithstanding the above, in certain cases (for example, to resolve an issue or inquiry you raise), we may need to access the strictly necessary data in order to resolve the issue or respond to your inquiry.
8. What are your rights and how can you control your data?
The regulations grant you a series of rights concerning the data and information we process about you. Specifically, the rights of access, rectification, deletion, and data portability, limitation, and opposition to their processing.
For those data for which SGAD is the Data Controller, you can exercise the rights established in Article 15 and subsequent articles of the GDPR at any time and free of charge by sending an email to protecciondatos.sgad@correo.gob.es or by sending a letter to the address Calle del Mármol, 2, 28005 Madrid.
You can consult the full scope and details of these rights on the website of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD) .
You also have the right to complain to the Data Protection Officer of the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Administration, either via email at dpd@digital.gob.es or by sending a letter to the address Calle Poeta Joan Maragall, 41, 12th floor, 28046 Madrid.
For information processed by SGAD coming from other Public Administrations, that is, when SGAD is the Data Processor, these rights will be exercised with the Data Controller in each case. All information regarding the processing of your personal data is available at the following link from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation: https://portal.mineco.gob.es/RecursosArticulo/mineco/ministerio/ficheros/RAT_TDFP.pdf.
In addition to all the above, you have the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (www.aepd.es/).
9. How do we protect your data?
The SGAD guarantees the security, secrecy, and confidentiality of your data, communications, and personal information, and has adopted the most demanding and robust security measures and technical means to prevent their loss, misuse, or access without your authorization.
The security measures implemented correspond to those set forth in Annex II (Security Measures) of Royal Decree 311/2022, of May 3, which regulates the National Security Scheme.
In addition, we are committed to acting swiftly and responsibly in the event that the security of your data may be at risk and to inform you if it is relevant. Protocols for managing security incidents and breaches of personal data security are in place, which include notifications to supervisory authorities and users in cases provided for by legislation.
Finally, we inform you that both the storage and the other activities involving the processing of your data will always be located within the European Union.
10. Security breaches
If you are aware of a security breach for which the SGAD is responsible for processing your personal data, please send an email to the following address: protecciondatos.sgad@correo.gob.es.
Web Accessibility
The Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública - Secretaría General de Administración Digital has undertaken to make the website "Mi Carpeta Ciudadana" accessible in accordance with Royal Decree 112/2018, of 7 September, on accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices in the public sector .
This accessibility statement applies to the website “Mi Carpeta Ciudadana”, carpetaciudadana.gob.es domain website.
Compliance situation
This website is partially compliant with Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September, on accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices in the public sector due to exceptions and lack of conformity of the following aspects.
Inaccessible content
The following content is not accessible by the following:
- Lack of conformity with RD 1112/2018
There are PDF documents, downloaded through the website, that do not comply with the regulations.
- Disproportionate load
Doesn't apply.
Preparation of this accessibility statement
This statement was prepared on 12 September 2022.
The method used to prepare the declaration has been a self-assessment carried out by the Secretaría General de Administración Digital (SGAD).
Last revision of the statement: 12 September 2022.
Comments and contact information
You can make communications about accessibility requirements (article 11 RD) such as:
- Report any possible breach by this website.
- Convey other content access difficulties.
- Formulate any other query or suggestion for improvement regarding the accessibility of the website.
Through the following Contact form.
You can submit:
- A Complaint regarding compliance with the requirements of RD 1112/2018 or
- A Request for Accessible Information relating to:
- Contents that are excluded from the scope of application of RD 1112/2018 as established by article 3, section 4
- Content that is exempt from compliance with accessibility requirements for imposing a disproportionate burden.
In the Request for accessible information, the facts, reasons and request that will demonstrate that it is a reasonable and legitimate request must be clearly specified.
Through the Instancia Genérica of the Electronic headquarters of the Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública as well as the rest of the options included in Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public administrations.
Communications, complaints and requests for accessible information will be received and processed by the Secretaría General de Administración Digital.
Application procedure
If, after making a request for accessible information or a complaint, this has been dismissed, if there is disagreement with the decision made, or if the response does not meet the requirements set out in Article 12.5, the interested party may file a complaint. Likewise, a complaint may be filed if twenty business days have passed without receiving a response.
The complaint can be submitted through the Instancia Genérica de la Sede electrónica del Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública, as well as through the other options provided for in Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
Complaints will be received and processed by the Subdirección General de Inspección de Servicios del Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública.
Mobile app accessibility
The Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública - Secretaría General de Administración Digital has undertaken to make the mobile app "Mi Carpeta Ciudadana" accessible in accordance with Royal Decree 112/2018, of 7 September, on accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices in the public sector .
This accessibility statement applies to the mobile app:
- “Mi carpeta ciudadana” for Android 7 (API 24) or later operating system.
- “Mi carpeta ciudadana” for iOS 13.0 or later operating system.
Compliance situation
This application is partially compliant with Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September, on accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices in the public sector due to exceptions and lack of conformity of the following aspects.
Inaccessible content
The following content is not accessible by the following:
- Lack of conformity with RD 1112/2018
- For Android operating system
There are PDF documents, downloaded through the application, that do not comply with the regulations.
- For iOS operating system
There are PDF documents, downloaded through the application, that do not comply with the regulations.
- Disproportionate load
Doesn't apply.
Preparation of this accessibility statement
This statement was prepared on 12 September 2022.
The method used to prepare the declaration has been a self-assessment carried out by the Secretaría General de Administración Digital (SGAD).
Last revision of the statement: 12 September 2022.
Comments and contact information
You can make communications about accessibility requirements (article 11 RD) such as:
- report any possible breach by this mobile application.
- convey other content access difficulties.
- make any other query or suggestion for improvement regarding the accessibility of this mobile application.
Communications will be received and processed by the Secretaría General de Administración Digital.
You can also request in an accessible format information that does not meet the accessibility requirements either because it is excluded, or because it is exempt due to disproportionate burden; or file a complaint for non-compliance with accessibility requirements, through the Form to request accessible information and make complaints regarding accessibility.
Application procedure
A través de este procedimiento podrá iniciar una reclamación para conocer y oponerse a los motivos de la desestimación de una solicitud de información accesible o queja, instar la adopción de las medidas oportunas en el caso de no estar de acuerdo con la decisión adoptada, o exponer las razones por las que se considera que la respuesta no cumple con los requisitos exigidos.
Application version
The currently version of this mobile application dated December 15, 2021. An accessibility level review was performed in November 2021, with no changes affecting accessibility since then.
Accessibility policy
In compliance with the principles of accessibility and universal design, The “Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública – Secretaría General de Administración Digital” is working to ensure that all citizens - with special attention to people with some kind of special needs and elderly people - who interact with it through the Internet can access information and electronic services under equal conditions regardless of their personal circumstances, means or knowledge. In other words, they can navigate without encountering access through this website.
Standards and regulations
The accessibility policy applied by the El Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública - Secretaría General de Administración Digital is in line with the requirements of "Royal Decree 1112/2018, of September 7, on accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices of the public sector".
Display Features
The mobile app is optimized for smart mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) and supports both portrait and landscape orientation.
Commitment to accessibility
Despite the effort made by the Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública - Secretaría General de Administración Digital, there may be some content that does not meet the required accessibility guidelines. If you find any screen, page, document or form that does not comply with what is established, or that you cannot access correctly, or if you wish to make any suggestion, please let us know by completing and sending the following form: Form to request accessible information and make complaints regarding accessibility.
Terms of use of “Mi Carpeta Ciudadana”
1. What is “Mi Carpeta Ciudadana”?
The "Mi Carpeta Ciudadana" service (hereinafter "MI CARPETA CIUDADANA") available at the e-mail address https://carpetaciudadana.gob.es is a service that facilitates citizens' relationship with the Public Administrations. It offers citizens (hereinafter, individually the "USER" and jointly the "USERS") at a single access point, personalized information about their relations with the different Public Administrations:
Information existing in the basic registers of the Public Administrations attached to the service in relation to different areas, such as: educational, household, identification, traffic, benefits, among others. Allowing to obtain certifications required by the regulations.
Allow the monitoring of your administrative procedures with the different administrations attached to the service.
Applications and writings obtained by consulting the "System for the Interconnection of Registries” (SIR) which permits the exchange of electronic registration documents between Public Administrations.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The USER is informed that the user information that the Public Administrations attached to the service provide is displayed in “MI CARPETA CIUDADANA”
2. Use and Access to MI CARPETA CIUDADANA
For access to the “MI CARPETA CIUDADANA” service, it is not required to be registered as a USER, it is only sufficient to have an electronic identification:
Electronic ID.
Recognized electronic certificate of electronic signature issued by providers included in the Trust List of electronic certification service providers.
Cl@ve PIN.
Cl@ve Permanente.
The USER accepts without reservation the content of these TERMS OF USE. Consequently, the USER must carefully read them before accessing the “MI CARPETA CIUDADANA” and using any of its functionalities.
The use of the “MI CARPETA CIUDADANA” service is free, free and voluntary for the USER.
The provision of false data is prohibited and, therefore, the USER must identify himself with his/her actual data.
3. Security and privacy
The security measures implemented correspond to those provided for in Annex II (Security Measures) of Royal Decree 3/2010 of 8 January regulating the National Security Scheme in the field of Electronic Administration.
We inform you that your personal data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy of the “MI CARPETA CIUDADANA”: https://masinformacioncarpeta.carpetaciudadana.gob.es/infocc/en/masInformacion.html?tabId=16 .
All information is collected for purposes strictly to improve the service and user experience in the relationship of THE USER with the Public Authorities, In the terms described in the Privacy Policy.
4. Intellectual and industrial property
The Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública is the OWNER of all intellectual and industrial property rights related to “MI CARPETA CIUDADANA” service.
The texts, designs, images, databases, logos, structure, trademarks and other elements of the “MI CARPETA CIUDADANA” are protected by international laws and treaties on intellectual and industrial property. Any reproduction, transmission, adaptation, translation, modification, communication to the public, or any extraction of all or part of the content of this site, made in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical and otherwise, are strictly prohibited unless prior written authorization of their corresponding OWNER or subject, of such content, to Creative Common licenses, in which case the uses that under these licenses will be permitted according to the modality of application in each case.
The legitimacy of the intellectual and industrial property rights corresponding to the agreements provided by third parties is the sole responsibility of them.
In order to preserve possible intellectual property rights, in the event that any USER or a third party considers that there has been a violation of their legitimate rights by the introduction of a certain content in the “MI CARPETA CIUDADANA”, they must notify the OWNER in writing.
5. Responsibility and obligations
The “MI CARPETA CIUDADANA” service is offered by dedicating the best efforts to guarantee its quality and avoid errors and, where appropriate, repair or update them as soon as possible. Likewise, USERS accept that the service may be interrupted when necessary by maintenance, the OWNER in any case, undertakes that the duration of interruption times is strictly essential.
The “MI CARPETA CIUDADANA” service provides information of the user obtained from different Public Administrations and their Public Agencies and Related or Dependent Entities. In these circumstances, the OWNER does not guarantee or be responsible, in any case or circumstance for the updating, accuracy, completeness, relevance or timeliness of the information offered by third parties.
- Safeguard your USER credentials with diligence, preventing unauthorized third parties from accessing them and therefore ensuring their confidentiality.
- Notify the HOLDER immediately of any indication of the existence of a violation in the security of MY CITIZEN FOLDER, of inappropriate or prohibited uses of the services provided from it, or of security failures of any kind.
- Make proper use of the contents, information and services provided from or through MI CARPETA CIUDADANA, in accordance with the law, good faith and generally-accepted good practices, expressly undertaking to:
- Refrain from any practices or uses of the services for unlawful or fraudulent purposes or which are harmful to the rights and interests of the OWNER or third parties and which violate the rules contained in this document.
- Refrain from any actions of any kind which could overload, damage or disable the systems, equipment or services of MI CARPETA CIUDADANA or those which are indirectly accessible through it.
- Respect the intellectual and industrial property rights of the OWNER and third parties over the contents, information and services provided from or through MI CARPETA CIUDADANA, in general refraining from copying, distributing, reproducing or communicating them to third parties in any form whatsoever, save express, written authorization from the OWNER or the owners of those rights.
- Not provide false personal information in MI CARPETA CIUDADANA, bearing sole responsibility for the true and accurate communication of his/her personal data.
- Not impersonate any third party without his/her authorisation.
As the USER of MI CARPETA CIUDADANA, you have sole responsibility for the use you decide to make of its services.
In no case will the OWNER be responsible for any improper use of MI CARPETA CIUDADANA and the information offered through it, and the USER bears sole liability for any damages and/or prejudicial consequences that may derive from misuse thereof. The USER undertakes to hold the OWNER harmless from any claims or sanctions which may be received from third parties, whether individuals or public or private entities, in relation to such violations, and also in regard of any damages and/or prejudicial consequences which he or she may incur as a result of those violations.
In any case, the OWNER reserves the right to modify or delete the content, structure, design, services and conditions for access and/or use of this site, at any time and without the need for prior notification, whenever that is deemed appropriate, provided that that change does not affect the principles and rights of data protection, as well as the right to interpret the present conditions in regard of any questions which may arise in their application.
Likewise, the reproduction, distribution, transmission, adaptation or modification, by any means and in any form, of the contents of MI CARPETA CIUDADANA or its courses (texts, designs, information, databases, sound and/or image files, logos and other elements of these sites) is strictly prohibited, save prior authorisation from their legitimate owners or when that is permitted by the Creative Commons licence applicable to the contents or by the current applicable legislation.
6. Links
MI CARPETA CIUDADANA includes within its contents links to sites owned or managed by other Public Administrations or Public Bodies in order to offer the USER personalized information in his relationship with public administrations.
The OWNER does not assume any responsibility derived from the existence of links between the contents of MI CARPETA CIUDADANA and content located outside of them or from any other mention of external contents to this site, except for those responsibilities established in the data protection regulations. Such links or mentions are exclusively for the purpose of facilitating the USER's relationship with public administrations.
7. Hyperlinks
The web portals and / or electronic offices that establish a hyperlink with MI CARPETA CIUDADANA must consider:
- The existence of a hyperlink between a web page and MI CARPETA CIUDADANA does not imply the existence of relations between the OWNER and the owner of that page, nor the acceptance and approval of its contents and services.
- In no case may it be implied that the OWNER authorizes the hyperlink or that he has supervised or assumed in any way the services or contents offered by the website from which the hyperlink is produced.
- No false, incorrect, or inaccurate statements or references may be made on the OWNER's pages and services.
- Content that is contrary to the rights of third parties, contrary to morality and accepted good customs, or illegal content or information, may not be included on the web page from which the hyperlink is established.
The creation of any type of web browser, program, browser, or border environment on the MI CARPETA CIUDADANA pages is explicitly prohibited.
8. Browsers, cookies and JavaScript
For security reasons, the OWNER only guarantees the correct functioning of MI CARPETA CIUDADANA with HTML5-compatible browsers whose versions are supported by their own manufacturers at that time.
The use of HTML5 non-compatible browsers or versions not supported by their own manufacturers could allow access to MI CARPETA CIUDADANA, but the visualization of all the content or the availability of all the functionalities are not guaranteed. Browser updates can be downloaded from the websites of these programs’ providers.
For the correct functioning of MI CARPETA CIUDADANA it is required that the browser has enabled the use of Javascript and cookies (see privacy policy, https://masinformacioncarpeta.carpetaciudadana.gob.es/infocc/en/masInformacion.html?tabId=16 ).
9. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
These conditions of use will be governed and interpreted in all and each of its extremes by Spanish Law. In those cases in which current regulations do not provide for the obligation to submit to a specific jurisdiction or legislation, the OWNER and the USERS, waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the courts and tribunals of Madrid (Spain).
10. Corporate information and contact
Address: Calle Mármol 2, 3ª planta - Madrid.
The support to the USER in case of incidents and / or claims will be online and attended as soon as possible through the specific form created for this purpose (https://centrodeservicios.redsara.es/ayuda/consulta/CarpetaCiudadana ).
Frequently asked questions
Access to Citizen Folder
User data storage
Information error of a service /record
What was the pilot program of My Citizen Folder?
Last September 14, the BETA version of Mi Carpeta Ciudadana was published. It had been renewed with new data consultation services, a personal agenda with previous government appointments and a personal assistant on the web portal. But the main innovation highlighted included for the first time a mobile application available in major application markets.
From September 14 to October 31, feedback mechanisms were created and different meetings were held with stakeholders, through which many contributions and positive assessments were received.
The pilot programme ended on 14 December with the publication of the first official version that already met the first demands of citizenship. Details of this programme and its actions are set out in the of the pilot programme Conclusions document.
Given the good reception of the citizens and the amount of contributions made, it has been decided to keep the mechanisms of referral of contributions and suggestions active with the aim of further improving the solution and bringing administration closer to the citizens.
Who can participate?
Anyone, association or institution interested in improving My Citizen Folder can submit their comments.
How can I send my comments?
Both the web and mobile app will invite you on different occasions to send your comments.
In the APP this form will always be available in the “Settings” tab. You can also directly access this specific form for APPs .
In the case of the web application, you have this specific contact form for the Web .
We are also particularly interested in your comments regarding access and discharge mechanisms. As your experience may be different on the web and in APPs we will ask you about it on each form.
How will Mi Carpeta Ciudadana evolve?
Mi Carpeta Ciudadana is a living project, which will incorporate new services and especially new agencies of the administration that will provide information through those services.
You can check your specific roadmap for the coming months, based on your comments and suggestions.